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Cobra [Crewneck]

RRP £0.00

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Design by Raf Reyes: in a world total destᵥʳuction, a chrome-and-gold-plated cobra rises up in 🔥~ a tRVe symbol of power and strength, engulfed in complete chaos, the flames dancing and flickering around the cobra's body, their heat vradiating out into the charred environment surrounding it...🐍. Ash swirls in the air, a constant reminder of the ruination that has been wrought upon this world. But even in the midst of this devastation, the cobra vremains unyielding. Its form may be distorted and its exterior damaged, but its core remains unbroken. It is a vreminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of hope, a spark of resilience that can guide us through the fire and towards a brighter tomorrow. What is there to say... V®️R®®. one day. VERYRARE™. always ❤️... Material: Long sleeve woven tapestry jacquard sweater, heavyweight 350gsm premium cotton polyester mix blend/strand fabric.

Design by Raf Reyes: in a world total destᵥʳuction, a chrome-and-gold-plated cobra rises up in 🔥~ a tRVe symbol of power and strength, engulfed in complete chaos, the flames dancing and flickering around the cobra's body, their heat vradiating out into the charred environment surrounding it...🐍. Ash swirls in the air, a constant reminder of the ruination that has been wrought upon this world. But even in the midst of this devastation, the cobra vremains unyielding. Its form may be distorted and its exterior damaged, but its core remains unbroken. It is a vreminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of hope, a spark of resilience that can guide us through the fire and towards a brighter tomorrow. What is there to say... V®️R®®. one day. VERYRARE™. always ❤️... Material: Long sleeve woven tapestry jacquard sweater, heavyweight 350gsm premium cotton polyester mix blend/strand fabric.

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