By the Mountain Rustic Leather Handbag is crafted entirely by hand with top-quality leather, given to the handbag a unique look.
Our Rustic Leather tote bag is full of style, features a unique two-tone design, a contrast of light leather and luxurious Goat fur on the front and back and darker leather on the sides. An essential piece for any occasion, this tote bag is both chic and practical. given to the handbag a unique look. Perfect for all occasions, from the most casual to the most formal, this leather shoulder bag is your ultimate go-to for any event, from dressy to laid-back.
This leather is made by using the best raw material cow hides of Italian origin.
100% hand stitched with high quality French threads, giving a special touch to the end product.
Length: 29 cm I 11.42 in
Height: 23 cm I 9.06 in ( with shoulder strap 40cm | 15.75 in)
Depth: 10 cm | 3.94 in
(Dimensions are approximate)
*Each bag is handmade and may vary.