This bouquet is made up of six individual felt flowers, each with a wire stem, expertly handmade by skilled Fair Trade artisans from sustainable, naturally dyed wool._x000D__x000D_Choose from the daisy or pompom design in vibrant multicoloured or pastel colours._x000D__x000D_Daisy: Multi_1 (Vibrant) & Multi_3 (Pastel)_x000D_Pompom: Multi_2 (Vibrant) & Multi_4 (Pastel)_x000D__x000D_Size approx. 25 cm_x000D__x000D_The felt is handmade from sustainable wool using traditional methods. Instead of weaving the wool, heat, moisture, and pressure are applied to entangle the fibres and create the beautiful material. The vibrant colours are created using only natural, colourfast dyes._x000D__x000D_Due to the handmade nature of these products each one is unique, but loveliness comes as standard.