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House of Bhava
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House of Bhava

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Welcome to House of Bhava, home of carefully curated home essentials that seamlessly blend style and sustainability. Our commitment to conscious living is reflected in each product we showcase, where quality meets ethical craftsmanship. From chic bedding to elegant décor, House of Bhava brings together a selection of brands that share our passion for a slower, more sustainable future. Whether it be through their focus on ethical labor practices, sustainable fabrics or charitable ethos, each brand is doing their part for the community. In our pursuit of sustainable living at House of Bhava, we go beyond curating outstanding homeware brands. We also provide our exclusive product line, handcrafted by skilled artisans in the pink city of Jaipur. Each piece in our collection encapsulates the spirit of artisanal excellence, proudly showcasing the cultural heritage and craftsmanship deeply rooted in this historic city.

Home & Garden

High MarginSummers Day: Block Print Frilled Cushion Cover (30 x 50cm)

Summers Day: Block Print Frilled Cushion Cover (

House of Bhava
House of BhavaUnited Kingdom, Minimum £0

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