The greeting card that keeps on giving! These blooming marvellous Eco-friendly cards are plantable and transform into beautiful flowers. Our seed paper is tree-free! Made of 100% Pre-Consumer Recycled Cotton that degrades naturally in the soil. Simple planting instructions are printed on the back of the card and recommended to plant springtime. Ideally, plant March-July.Just remember, as with everything in mother nature many factors come into play, while I cannot guarantee successful germination, your seed card should sprout if cared for properly, and instruction is followed. It is a thick recycled paper (about 150 gsm) embedded with various flower seeds. Seeds include Sweet Alyssum, Poppy, Baby’s Breath & Rudbeckia. These are non-invasive species commonly found in garden shops and can be grown in pots and left outside for bees and other pollinators.This card and envelope have been designed, printed, cut, scored and folded by me, the artist, with much love :)