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Welcome to Miami! With your Miami Nights Hoop you can feel the vibe of warm Miami-Party-Nights inbetween Art Deco District and the beach. First look into your eyes, second look to your ears!MATERIALFreshwater PearlGlass BeadsNatural Jasper Stone Beads24k gold plated Brass Heart Pendant24k gold plated Brass HoopLENGTH4 cm NICE TO KNOWYour new earring is handcrafted just for you. Due to the individuality of the material, slight variations make each piece unique. We highly recommend to avoid lotion, hairspray and other cosmetics to be in contact with your jewelry.Please do not wear your jewelry while sleeping and doing sports. Avoid exposing your jewelry to water, salt, sun, chlorine and other chemicals.  Alle angegebenen Preise sind Endpreise zzgl. Versandkosten. Gemäß § 19 UStG wird keine Umsatzsteuer erhoben und folglich nicht ausgewiesen.

Welcome to Miami! With your Miami Nights Hoop you can feel the vibe of warm Miami-Party-Nights inbetween Art Deco District and the beach. First look into your eyes, second look to your ears!MATERIALFreshwater PearlGlass BeadsNatural Jasper Stone Beads24k gold plated Brass Heart Pendant24k gold plated Brass HoopLENGTH4 cm NICE TO KNOWYour new earring is handcrafted just for you. Due to the individuality of the material, slight variations make each piece unique. We highly recommend to avoid lotion, hairspray and other cosmetics to be in contact with your jewelry.Please do not wear your jewelry while sleeping and doing sports. Avoid exposing your jewelry to water, salt, sun, chlorine and other chemicals.  Alle angegebenen Preise sind Endpreise zzgl. Versandkosten. Gemäß § 19 UStG wird keine Umsatzsteuer erhoben und folglich nicht ausgewiesen.




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