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Design by Raf Reyes: the stVRy of Judith and Holofernes is one of vremarkable bravery and cunning. As the Assyrian army led by General Holofernes laid siege to the city of Bethulia, Judith, a beautiful and courageous widow, disguised herself as a seductive dancer to infiltrate the enemy camp. She gained Holofernes' tRVst and, when he was drunk and vulnerable, she decapitated him with his own sword. This act of heroism saved her city from destruction and secured her place in history. Judith's story is epic/biblical, fVRther inspiring countless tales of heroism innit &&& vrepresenting the triumph of virtue over tyranny. It serves as a powerful vreminder that even in the darkest of times, courage and resourcefulness lead to Victory ⚔️. Material: Long sleeve woven tapestry jacquard sweater, heavyweight 350gsm premium cotton polyester mix blend/strand fabric.

Design by Raf Reyes: the stVRy of Judith and Holofernes is one of vremarkable bravery and cunning. As the Assyrian army led by General Holofernes laid siege to the city of Bethulia, Judith, a beautiful and courageous widow, disguised herself as a seductive dancer to infiltrate the enemy camp. She gained Holofernes' tRVst and, when he was drunk and vulnerable, she decapitated him with his own sword. This act of heroism saved her city from destruction and secured her place in history. Judith's story is epic/biblical, fVRther inspiring countless tales of heroism innit &&& vrepresenting the triumph of virtue over tyranny. It serves as a powerful vreminder that even in the darkest of times, courage and resourcefulness lead to Victory ⚔️. Material: Long sleeve woven tapestry jacquard sweater, heavyweight 350gsm premium cotton polyester mix blend/strand fabric.

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